Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Lifelong learning

For me, the hardest of the 7 1/2 habits of lifelong learners is certainly the first one, begin with an end in mind. Frequently my learning is connected to my interests. If something catches my interest, I am likely to seek more knowledge about it. However, a clear end is not always in sight, and I may wander from my original idea or it may turn into something completely different.

The easiest for me is using technology to my advantage. I think it is fascinating that at 3 in the morning if you suddenly want to know more about the life cycle of a flea, a quick google search will put more information that you ever wanted to know at your fingertips.

Today's random word is circulation:

1: orderly movement through a circuit; especially : the movement of blood through the vessels of the body induced by the pumping action of the heart2: flow3 a: passage or transmission from person to person or place to place; especially : the interchange of currency b: the extent of dissemination: as (1): the average number of copies of a publication sold over a given period (2): the total number of items borrowed from a library

Hmmm...what a fitting word for a library employee!

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